Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight - 1292 Words

Women. Some cannot live with them, some cannot live without them. Women play a key role in everyday living. During the romantic age, they played either the lover or the mistress, like in the two literary passages, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Marie de France’s Milun. In these two texts women are key players in how the men are presented. One could question whether these women are to be portrayed as social, sexual, or psychological beings, or maybe they even embody all three ideals. So how do the two stories compare to one another, through love, lust, or sacrifice? Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a tale of chivalry, faith, and self-respect. In this â€Å"short tale,† Sir Gawain is faced with a decision to take the place of his king, King Arthur and uncle, against a challenge presented to them by the Green Knight. The Green Knight is a very mysterious character, literally a green being. He comes to Camelot, during Christmastime, because he has heard great things about the knights there and their heroic deeds. Upon accepting the challenge, which is to behead the green knight in one strike and to then travel to the Green Chapel to receive the same punishing blow, Sir Gawain must travel far in order to uphold his end of their deal. The female role is introduced in the story once Sir Gawain reaches a place of lodging. At this place, Gawain is greeted by a man who appears to be head of the household. With warm welcomes, â€Å"by Saint Peter, it’ll be my pleasure and I’ll warrantShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay2387 Words   |  10 Pagesthe fourteenth century poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The poem opens with allusions to Greek and Roman history and eventually sets the story on Christmas in Camelot with King Arthur and his knights of the round table. Gawain, King Arthur’s nephew and a knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, faces trials and temptations that one would typically expect from a knight of the round table. Through careful and juxtaposed analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and articles by reputable authorsRead MoreEssay Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1050 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, after Gawain ventures â€Å"into a forest fastness, fearsome and wild† (Norton, 311), he prays that he will be able to find â€Å"harborage† on Christmas Eve (Norton, 312). It is the middle of winter, and Gawain has been traveling in search of the Green Knight whose head he has cut off. After he prays and signs himself three times, Gawain finds a magical castle in the midst of a winter forest. He rides to the castle and is grantedRead More A Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight1426 Words   |  6 PagesA Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the character of Sir Gawain is skillfully brought to life by the unknown author. Through the eyes of numerous characters in the poem, we see Gawain as a noble knight who is the epitome of chivalry; he is loyal, honest and above all, courteous. As the story progresses, Gawain is subjected to a number of tests of character, some known and some unknown. These tests tell us a greatRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight955 Words   |  4 Pagesthe classic medieval poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that is used to form a more captivating story and construct a deeper meaning to the plot. The color green certainly is a prominent color in the poem, especially with the Green Knight, who is literally green from head to toe. The Green Knight makes quite the entrance on his horse as he rides into Camelot disrupting King Arthur and his knight’s New Year’s Feast. The Green Knight has come to find out if the Knights of the Round Tab le are as loyalRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight940 Words   |  4 Pages In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the men and women appear to have different roles in the society. The men attempt to live a more noble life while emasculating the power of the women. Throughout the poem, women display hints of their potential through manipulation and trickery, traits that are uneasily recognized by men as growing power. Morgan la Fay manipulates the Lord Bercilak to assume the role of the Green Knight, and she uses him for revenge against Queen Guenevere. She engineered a planRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1054 Words   |  5 PagesIn his book The Discarded Image C.S. Lewis states that â€Å"the Middle Ages depended predominantly on books†¦reading was one way of the total culture.† To illustrate, imagine a young heroic knight, holding his sword in one hand and his shield in another. Standing in confidence, with a determined look upon his face before confronting his next challenge. Bravery is found in many interesting stories throughout the medieval ages. It is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as â€Å"courageous behavior or character† (OxfordRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight846 Words   |  4 PagesAnd Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is not an exception to the rule. The poem uses imagery, juxtaposition of scenes, and the action of the chara cters to present the numerous themes to the reader and the presentation is done throughout the work. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the idea that in the world, there are man-made and natural rules that one must follow but in times, the two rules come in conflict with each other. By analyzing the two games played by Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, theRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1199 Words   |  5 Pagesfrequently depicted as a knight in shining armor, an image that originates from age-old literature such as the fourteenth-century Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In such literary works, the heroic knight has several virtuosic character traits: friendship, chastity, generosity, courtesy, and piety; however, he must also endure a quest in which his virtues are tested. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, three obstacles challenge the hero Gawain’s morals, including the Green Knight, the seductress, andRead MoreAnalysis of Sir Gawain and the Green K night866 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† is the classic tale of a knight of the round table who takes up the challenge of the mysterious Green Knight. The poem begins with the Green Knight’s sudden arrival and his declaration of his proposition: a knight may strike him, and then a year and one day from then he will return the blow. This tale is most well-known for dealing with the themes of a knight’s code of chivalry, loyalty, resisting temptation, and keeping one’s word. While the whole poem is full ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1374 Words   |  6 PagesThe language of symbols plays a major role in medieval poetry â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† is no exception. The use of symbolism gives a writer the ability to draw important connections between items in their story and the audience. The poet behind â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† gives the reader a detailed description of the pentagram, his most important symbol, in order to form the key understanding of this poem. The narrator compares knightly ideals such as integrity, focus, and strength

Friday, December 20, 2019

Comparing my Local Grocery Store to Walmart - 1126 Words

For this assignment, I decided to go to a grocery store by my house named Meijer. Meijer is just like any other grocery store, similar to Wal-Mart, yet higher quality products than Wal-Mart. The clothing for both boys and girls sections are close together. I noticed that there are articles of clothing that are similar for boys and girls, but they are called different names to make them more masculine or feminine. For example, shirts for girls are called fashion tops and just shirts for boys. Some patterns that I saw in the clothing/toys is that for almost each advertisement or label had a picture of a boy or a girl to indicate which toy or clothing is meant for which gender. I did find some things that I thought were unusual. One thing†¦show more content†¦Other factors are how kids play with each other, their peers they are surrounded by, and the media. Males tend to be more physical when they play indicating that they are more aggressive than females are. Both males and fe males play different sports than females. An instance would be football, soccer, and wrestling, compared to cheerleading, gymnastics, and volleyball for the girls. Football, soccer, and wrestling are a more physical contact sport than cheerleading, gymnastics or volleyball are. Peers is also another part for socialization because the way boys or girls act around each other. Children follow by example, so if they see their friends doing something, they will most likely follow. As children get older, peers plays a bigger part in influencing children to act a certain way according to society and other peers. Lastly, the media is additionally has a huge impression on how kids should act and look. The commercials for children on T.V. convince children what they should be playing with, who they should be playing with, how they should look, and how they should act. It is very rare to see girls playing Legos or hot wheels in commercials. The same is for boys, commercials do not promote boys playing with and accessorizing with Barbie dolls. Some clothes that are deemed to be gender neutral are certain types of shirts and shoes. An example of a gender neutral shirtShow MoreRelatedUsing A Randomized Block Design And Socioeconomic Sequential Testing Essay1727 Words   |  7 Pagesstill have the time and money to pursue my other interests. This, however, has not always been the case because I failed to realize that this new adventure would be weighed down with much responsibility. One of the necessary responsibilities that I did not consider until I moved away from home was grocery shopping. As a full time student, working part time, I am forced to embrace frugality. Because of this, I have chosen to investigate my typical weekly grocery list. Using a Randomized Block DesignRead MoreStrategic Management And Planning : Walmart Vs. Kmart966 Words   |  4 Pages Strategic Management and Planning: Walmart vs. Kmart How many times a month does the average American step inside a Walmart facility? Whether it’s for grocery shopping, pharmaceutical needs, clothing and shoes, or for work, it’s common knowledge that you can find just about anything at walmart. Since his first variety store opened in 1945, Sam Walton has been a household name even after his death in 1992. No one can argue that Sam Walton didn’t have a vision for the future. On the other hand, IRead MoreAcc 205 Final Paper1538 Words   |  7 PagesWalmart Corporation (Financial Overview) William Jones ACC205: Principles of Accounting Instructor: Emmett Denham Date: 2/09/2015 While inaccurate accounting can cause misleading information about the company, every successful company should develop an income statement and balance sheet when monitoring financial growth. 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In order for communities to get a long every individualRead MoreWhat I Save Money While Doing Laundry Essay7475 Words   |  30 Pagesthe pool a few hundred times a day. While laundry can be a daunting task, it can also be a costly task. Here are a few ways I save money while doing laundry: 1. I buy name brand detergent that is on sale and I have a coupon for it. It is my personal opinion from m y own observation that the cheaper stuff just doesn t do as good of a job as the name-brand stuff. By checking the sales ads I can usually find Wisk, Gain, or even Tide on sale. CVS usually runs Buy One Get One Free sales on these items.Read MoreOnline Grocery Business10398 Words   |  42 PagesURL- IDEA GROUP PUBLISHING 16#%%# Building an Online Grocery Business: The Case of Irene Yousept, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Business School, UK Feng Li, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Business School, UK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper uses the case of, ASDA’s home-shopping arm, to demonstrate the challenges in building and developing an online grocery business in the UK. To set the stage, the initial implementation and learning from phone/catalogue

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Development Methodology-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Questions: 1.What's going on? 2.What are the facts? 3.What are the issues? 4.Who is affected? 5.What are the ethical issues and their implications? 6.What could have been done about it? 7.What are the options? 8.Which option is the best and why? Answers: 1.The title of the scenario is Development Methodology. The video begins with a scene where the junior developer is having a telephonic conversation with the client. The project manager enters the scene and asks about the progress of the technical project that they are supposed to deliver to the client company ("Scenario 2: Development Methodology", 2017). He gets to know from the junior developer that the client is asking to make some changes in the software. The project manager enters the room and asks about the progress of the project. After getting to know about the clients demand, he asks the details of the modifications. The scenario explains that the junior developer agrees to make the changes in the software as per the requirement of the client 2.The scenario gives the description of a scene taking place in an IT based company. This company is responsible for delivering software projects as per the demand of the clients. The client does not seem to be satisfied with the way the software is being developed. He asks the junior developer to make certain modifications based on his own idea (Weiss, 2014). The junior developer happily agrees to do so. Now the question arises that being an employee of the company, whether he should have agreed so easily and taken a decision on his own or whether he should have asked his senior authorities before agreeing. Then the project manager enters the scene and talks to him regarding the progress of the project. 3.There can be several non ethical issues in this scenario. The junior developer accepted the request of the client without informing the project manager. This can be considered to be non ethical because being a subordinate who is working under a project manager; he should have at least informed his senior before taking any decision. Another non ethical issue can be that, the project manager shouts at the junior developer for not informing him before taking such decisions (Schwartz, 2017). Screaming and shouting is a non professional behavior that can also be considered to be non ethical. The project manager should explain the developer in a polite and professional manner. Another non ethical event can take place, where the project manager will agree with the junior developer and proceed without informing the program director. Any decisions taken in an organization must follow the chain of order or authority. Taking independent decisions without informing the higher authorities can b e considered to be non ethical. 4.The entire project team of the company including the program director, project manager and the junior, senior developers of the company will be affected. They will have to modify the changes as required by the client. This will utilize even more and extra resources of the company. If they do not follow the client instruction properly then the client will be affected as he will not be satisfied with the project delivered by the vendor company (Jahanshani et al., 2014). On the other hand if the program director shouts at the junior developer for taking decision then the developer might feel bad and not come to work and plan to resign. This will affect the mind of the junior developer and demotivate him to work in the organization. 5.The project manager can shout at the junior developer for taking his own decision and agreeing with the client. This will demotivate the developer and he might not feel like working in the organization (Shaw Barry, 2015). This is one ethical issue. Another ethical issue can be that the project manager encourages his junior developer to go forward with the plan. Later on if the client is not satisfied then the program director can blame him for not letting the higher authorities know. In an organization one must let the higher authorities know before taking any steps. Taking independent decision does not belong to an organizational culture. The implications of taking self decision can lead to huge loss and client dissatisfaction. 6.The project manager should have faith on the junior developer and appreciate him to take decision on his own (Baker Comer, 2012). At the same time the project manager should let the developer know that in an organization one must take decision by discussing with others. The project manager should inform his higher authority regarding this. A joint decision must be taken where the opinion of the junior developer must be considered. This will keep the developer as well as the higher authorities happy and satisfies. On the other hand if this joint decision results in good client software then it will keep the client satisfied. This will result in generating huge profit for the organization. 7.There are three options available in this scenario. First option is, the project manager appreciates the decision taken by the junior developer and tells him to carry on with the work. Later on if the client is dissatisfied with the software then the project manager gets blamed and the entire company suffers loss (Ford Richardson, 2013). Second option is, the project manager shouts at the developer for taking this decision. Later on the developer gets demotivate and stops coming to office. Third option is, the project manager tells the junior developer to inform him and forward him such calls from next time. Here the project manager later on talks with the client and takes a proper decision. 8.The best option according to this scenario is that the project manager suggests the junior developer the proper procedure that should be followed in these types of situations. He tells the developer to forward him such calls from client in the future. In the absence of the project manager the junior developer should text him about the matter. This is the best option because here the actions taken are ethically correct (Crane Matten, 2016). Here the junior developer is also not offended and at the same time the customer is also satisfied with the modified software. This option maintains the harmony of work environment. Here the project manager tackles the situation in an ethical manner. References Baker, S. D., Comer, D. R. (2012). Business Ethics Everywhere An Experiential Exercise to Develop Students Ability to Identify and Respond to Ethical Issues in Business.Journal of Management Education,36(1), 95-125. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Ford, R. C., Richardson, W. D. (2013). Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Jahanshani, A. A., Hajizadeh, G. M. A., Mirdhamadi, S. A., Nawaser, K., Khaksar, S. M. S. (2014). Study the effects of customer service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Scenario 2: Development Methodology. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Schwartz, M. S. (2017).Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach. John Wiley Sons. Shaw, W. H., Barry, V. (2015).Moral issues in business. Cengage Learning. Weiss, J. W. (2014).Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

ThisIBelieve free essay sample

This I Believe Essay I believe in Christmas. Believe that the Christmas season changes many lives, whether people realize how important giving Is, or they realize there is hope no matter what situation they are in. In second grade, my school helped out at a homeless shelter. We donated toys, food, and supplies for the families. I brought a Bearable doll because I knew there was a little girl out there, who maybe has never had one but has always wanted one so badly, would finally get what she had been hoping for.The homeless shelter was beautiful. It had a big tree with lights and decorations hung all over the shelter. The families looked so happy. Even with the problems they faced, they still managed to put on a smile and be happy. Seeing the homeless shelter and having that experience really made me appreciate what I have and it also made me want to makes someone elses life easier and happier. We will write a custom essay sample on ThisIBelieve or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For me, the Christmas season always seems happy and Joyful.I love everything about it, the lights, the decorations, the trees, the cold weather, everything, so I want others around me to be happy too. Its easy to get distracted during Christmas time though. Many people are buying presents for their children and partners, but forget about the families who arent spending hundreds of dollars on presents for their children, and not because they dont want to, they Just cant. When I think about that, I feel bad because I cant imagine how hard it would be to not be able to give your child the only thing they have asked for all year.That is why, ever since the second grade, I try to keep in mind that there are many ways to bring a smile to peoples faces, just by the little things that anyone can do. Donate a dollar to the Salvation Army. Donate toys to their schools toy drive. Volunteer and help out in their community. These are only some of the many ways to make someones life happier. I believe in Christmas, that it has the power to bring everyone together and remind us what to be thankful for, and that there Is hope, no matter what we struggle with.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ever Since The Days Of The Pony Express, People Have Looked To Getting

Ever since the days of the Pony Express, people have looked to getting information, whether personal or business, to its intended receiver as soon as possible. The computer has evolved as a communications super-tool, enabling people to do just that. Networking has given individuals the power to transfer ideas, reports, and files quickly and efficiently. Networks also grant the power to business professionals and families to conference with voice and video from their individual offices or homes. These abilities have made networking invaluable to many people in many different areas; however, networking can be limited to a small geographic region or even a single building and still have tremendous benefits. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network of interconnected workstations sharing the resources of a single processor or server within a relatively small geographic area. LANs can be found in offices, schools, throughout whole buildings, and even dispersed throughout several buildings. Throughout these local networks, people are able to share files of information, communicate, and connect different departments to maximize efficiency. A LAN is comprised of several pieces of hardware that enable connectivity of the network; these include network interface cards, servers, bridges, repeaters, and hubs. A LAN can be comprised of all of these parts and more, but can also be constructed of less hardware. The hardware components of a specific network depend on the needs of the network. A network interface card physically connects a computer to a transmission medium used on a network and controls the flow of information from the computer to the network. A network interface card has its own unique hardware address that is embedded upon its manufacturing. The hardware address is used to identify each NIC when information is being sent or received over a network. These cards are installed directly into the expansions slots of a computer and in the case of portable computers require a specialized device called a network adapter. Network interface cards have ports that are used to connect the card to the transmission medium used throughout the network. Different types of cards are designed to accept a certain type of transmission medium or network cable, which in turn determines the amount of information and the speed at which that information can be sent. The NIC also contains a transceiver, which converts the computer output signal into a signal that can be transmitted over cable. In some instances a network interface card may also contain a boot chip, which enables a drive-less computer to access a network. Different cards are designed for different purposes, one type of card can be used by a client workstation solely to connect that computer to a network, while others are used by network servers that are specifically designed to transfer large amounts of information. A hub is a device used to concentrate and organize network wiring. There are two basic types of hubs, active and passive. A passive hub is simply a device that allows wiring connections in an orderly way. It requires no power, and does no processing or regeneration of the traffic coming through it. Another type of hub is an active hub, which contains circuitry that can filter, amplify and control the traffic going through it. Hubs may also contain additional utilities, such as bridging, manageability, and repeaters. Active hubs are based on an extension of the network repeater. It does this by accepting network traffic on its input side, and then amplifying the signal on its output, allowing it to travel farther. A hub is a multi-port repeater. Physically, it appears as a box with one input port and a number of output ports that are typically wired to end-user workstation connections, although servers and other devices can be attached as well. Signals on any port are transmitted to all the other ports. Although a basic hub provides a way to organize cable wiring, it does not segment or organize network traffic in any way. Hubs are used in the design and implementation of a coherent and easily managed network cabling system. In a typical design, a company may run cabling from a wall plate in each user's cubicle to a central wiring closet on each floor of the building. These cables, known

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fake FBI Warning Email Scam

Fake FBI Warning Email Scam Beware of messages purporting to originate from the FBI (or CIA) accusing you of visiting illegal websites. These emails are unauthorized and arrive with an attachment containing the Sober virus. This virus-bearing email with a malicious file attached has been circulating since February 2005. Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and your computer is scanned regularly. Another variant of the message comprises the users computer with a virus that can install itself when clicking on a compromised website. A window pops up indicating that the user’s Internet address was identified by the FBI or the Department of Justice’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section as associated with child pornography sites. To unlock their computer, users are informed they have to pay a fine using a service for prepaid money cards. How to Handle a Fake FBI Email If you receive a message like this, dont panic - but do delete it without clicking on any links or opening any attached files. Attachments to these emails contain a worm called Sober-K (or a variant thereof). Though these messages and others similar to them purport to come from the FBI or CIA and may even show return addresses like or, they were not authorized or sent by any U.S. government agency. FBI Statement on the Message Containing a Virus FBI ALERTS PUBLIC TO RECENT E-MAIL SCHEMEEmails purporting to come from FBI are phonyWashington, D.C. - The FBI today warned the public to avoid falling victim to an ongoing mass email scheme wherein computer users receive unsolicited emails purportedly sent by the FBI. These scam emails tell the recipients that their Internet use has been monitored by the FBIs Internet Fraud Complaint Center and that they have accessed illegal web sites. The emails then direct recipients to open an attachment and answer questions. The attachments contain a computer virus.These emails did not come from the FBI. Recipients of this or similar solicitations should know that the FBI does not engage in the practice of sending unsolicited emails to the public in this manner.Opening email attachments from an unknown sender is a risky and dangerous endeavor as such attachments frequently contain viruses that can infect the recipients computer. The FBI strongly encourages computer users not to open such attac hments. Sample Fake FBI Email Heres email text contributed by A. Edwards on Feb. 22, 2005: Dear Sir/Madam,We have logged your IP-address on more than 40 illegal Websites.Important: Please answer our questions! The list of questions are attached.Yours faithfully,M. John StellfordFederal Bureau of Investigation -FBI-935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2130Washington, DC 20535(202) 324-3000 Sample Fake CIA Email Heres email text contributed anonymously on Nov. 21, 2005: Dear Sir/Madam,We have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.Important:Please answer our questions! The list of questions are attached.Yours faithfully,Steven AllisonCentral Intelligence Agency -CIA-Office of Public AffairsWashington, D.C. 20505phone: (703) 482-06237:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., US Eastern time Sources and further reading: FBI Alerts Public to Email ScamFBI press release, February 22, 2005

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical Dilema Drug Tesing in Nigeria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Dilema Drug Tesing in Nigeria - Essay Example There was evidence that using Trovan could lead to problems with joints, tendons and bones, and even perhaps cause liver damage. Led by Scott Hopkins, the team developing Trovan were anxious to carry out controlled clinical trials of the drug on children, in order to conclude whether it could safely be marketed as a treatment for diseases in children. While they believed that further refinement of the drug would make it much safer for children, they would need firm evidence in order to obtain approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for it to be marketed. At around the same time, in February 1996, there was a serious outbreak of meningitis in the area around Kano, a major city in northern Nigeria. Soon, over a hundred children were being brought to the basic local hospitals every day, and by March 3, 1,273 deaths had been reported, with some accounts putting the total at closer to 10,000 (Spar and Day, 2006, p.11). As most of the children infected with menin gitis would certainly die if given no treatment, Hopkins looked upon the outbreak as ‘a unique opportunity to test Trovan pills on children’, and ‘since Nigeria had both a raging epidemic and a distinct absence of personal injury lawyers, a drug trial there would be far more efficient’ than in the United States (Spar and Day, 2006, p.2). Meningitis outbreaks are fairly common across a large area of sub Saharan Africa during the dry season, when cold weather, malnutrition, and urban overcrowding can lead to the disease spreading rapidly among children. Epidemics of meningitis are caused by a particular strain of the bacteria, and the Trovan researchers had reason to believe, after extensive testing, that their new drug would be effective against that strain. It is worth understanding the processes which a drugs company needs to complete if it intends to market a drug in the United States, because, as we will see, it is questionable whether the situation at K ano provided an opportunity to carry out a satisfactory trial of Trovan on children. When a new compound is being developed, the pharmaceutical company responsible for it lodges an investigational new drug application, or IND, with the FDA. Having obtained this, the company is authorised to begin conducting clinical tests, which may be rolled out to many scenarios and over thousands of patients before a drug seeks FDA approval to be marketed. While such approval is sought within the United States, or from the appropriate authorities in other countries, it does not preclude a pharmaceutical company from carrying out clinical trials overseas. Indeed, it is even possible for a drugs company to conduct all of their clinical testing overseas, and only when the research gathered has shown the drug to be both safe and effective, for it to be submitted to the FDA for approval. In the case of Trovan, the new drug already had an IND, had already been subject to extensive clinical trials withi n the US, and so the team developing it were perfectly entitled to add a trial in Kano to its IND, or, alternatively, to carry out the tests in Nigeria and, if the results were positive, submit this data to the FDA subsequently. Pfizer would also have to meet some conditions under Nigerian law