Thursday, December 12, 2019

Development Methodology-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Questions: 1.What's going on? 2.What are the facts? 3.What are the issues? 4.Who is affected? 5.What are the ethical issues and their implications? 6.What could have been done about it? 7.What are the options? 8.Which option is the best and why? Answers: 1.The title of the scenario is Development Methodology. The video begins with a scene where the junior developer is having a telephonic conversation with the client. The project manager enters the scene and asks about the progress of the technical project that they are supposed to deliver to the client company ("Scenario 2: Development Methodology", 2017). He gets to know from the junior developer that the client is asking to make some changes in the software. The project manager enters the room and asks about the progress of the project. After getting to know about the clients demand, he asks the details of the modifications. The scenario explains that the junior developer agrees to make the changes in the software as per the requirement of the client 2.The scenario gives the description of a scene taking place in an IT based company. This company is responsible for delivering software projects as per the demand of the clients. The client does not seem to be satisfied with the way the software is being developed. He asks the junior developer to make certain modifications based on his own idea (Weiss, 2014). The junior developer happily agrees to do so. Now the question arises that being an employee of the company, whether he should have agreed so easily and taken a decision on his own or whether he should have asked his senior authorities before agreeing. Then the project manager enters the scene and talks to him regarding the progress of the project. 3.There can be several non ethical issues in this scenario. The junior developer accepted the request of the client without informing the project manager. This can be considered to be non ethical because being a subordinate who is working under a project manager; he should have at least informed his senior before taking any decision. Another non ethical issue can be that, the project manager shouts at the junior developer for not informing him before taking such decisions (Schwartz, 2017). Screaming and shouting is a non professional behavior that can also be considered to be non ethical. The project manager should explain the developer in a polite and professional manner. Another non ethical event can take place, where the project manager will agree with the junior developer and proceed without informing the program director. Any decisions taken in an organization must follow the chain of order or authority. Taking independent decisions without informing the higher authorities can b e considered to be non ethical. 4.The entire project team of the company including the program director, project manager and the junior, senior developers of the company will be affected. They will have to modify the changes as required by the client. This will utilize even more and extra resources of the company. If they do not follow the client instruction properly then the client will be affected as he will not be satisfied with the project delivered by the vendor company (Jahanshani et al., 2014). On the other hand if the program director shouts at the junior developer for taking decision then the developer might feel bad and not come to work and plan to resign. This will affect the mind of the junior developer and demotivate him to work in the organization. 5.The project manager can shout at the junior developer for taking his own decision and agreeing with the client. This will demotivate the developer and he might not feel like working in the organization (Shaw Barry, 2015). This is one ethical issue. Another ethical issue can be that the project manager encourages his junior developer to go forward with the plan. Later on if the client is not satisfied then the program director can blame him for not letting the higher authorities know. In an organization one must let the higher authorities know before taking any steps. Taking independent decision does not belong to an organizational culture. The implications of taking self decision can lead to huge loss and client dissatisfaction. 6.The project manager should have faith on the junior developer and appreciate him to take decision on his own (Baker Comer, 2012). At the same time the project manager should let the developer know that in an organization one must take decision by discussing with others. The project manager should inform his higher authority regarding this. A joint decision must be taken where the opinion of the junior developer must be considered. This will keep the developer as well as the higher authorities happy and satisfies. On the other hand if this joint decision results in good client software then it will keep the client satisfied. This will result in generating huge profit for the organization. 7.There are three options available in this scenario. First option is, the project manager appreciates the decision taken by the junior developer and tells him to carry on with the work. Later on if the client is dissatisfied with the software then the project manager gets blamed and the entire company suffers loss (Ford Richardson, 2013). Second option is, the project manager shouts at the developer for taking this decision. Later on the developer gets demotivate and stops coming to office. Third option is, the project manager tells the junior developer to inform him and forward him such calls from next time. Here the project manager later on talks with the client and takes a proper decision. 8.The best option according to this scenario is that the project manager suggests the junior developer the proper procedure that should be followed in these types of situations. He tells the developer to forward him such calls from client in the future. In the absence of the project manager the junior developer should text him about the matter. This is the best option because here the actions taken are ethically correct (Crane Matten, 2016). Here the junior developer is also not offended and at the same time the customer is also satisfied with the modified software. This option maintains the harmony of work environment. Here the project manager tackles the situation in an ethical manner. References Baker, S. D., Comer, D. R. (2012). Business Ethics Everywhere An Experiential Exercise to Develop Students Ability to Identify and Respond to Ethical Issues in Business.Journal of Management Education,36(1), 95-125. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Ford, R. C., Richardson, W. D. (2013). Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Jahanshani, A. A., Hajizadeh, G. M. A., Mirdhamadi, S. A., Nawaser, K., Khaksar, S. M. S. (2014). Study the effects of customer service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Scenario 2: Development Methodology. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Schwartz, M. S. (2017).Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach. John Wiley Sons. Shaw, W. H., Barry, V. (2015).Moral issues in business. Cengage Learning. Weiss, J. W. (2014).Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers

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