Friday, May 15, 2020

A Midsummer Nights Dream - 772 Words

In A Midsummer Nights Dream, one of the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, Shakespeare explores various aspects of love and friendship. With the help of the main characters such as Lysander, Demetrious Helena and Hermia, he endeavors that the path of love is full of obstacles, however, if one is committed and faithful, he/she can defy those obstacles leading him/her to success. As Lysander says â€Å"The course of true love never did run smooth†, the love stories presented in the play undergo difficult situations but eventually the genuine love is recognized by the triumph of the true loves. As in virtually every love story, Lysander and Hermia’s love story has a twist to it: Hermias father demands Hermia to marry Demetrious.†¦show more content†¦This usual love triangle is very common these days. Many well-known public figures relations are ruined because of their love affairs. For instance, celebrities Laura Dern, Billy Bob Thornton, and Angelina Jolie we re known for their love triangle and it was a source of major friction between Angelina and Laura. Similarly, Helenas life is ruined because of her one sided love â€Å". Being aware of the situation that Demetrious loves Hermia, Helena is struggling to figure out the reason behind Demetrious passion for Hermia. Knowing the fact that there is a very dim hope of success in her love life, if not any, Helena is very depressed and under intense pressure. Moreover, Demetrious treats Hermia very rudely and doesnt care for her. For instance, when they are in jungle he threatens to rape and kill her. Although she seems to neglect these threats, it is very frustrating for her to be treated by the person she adores. In addtion, because of the love spell, at that moment she feels like as if Demetrious, Hermia and Lysander are teasing her. Lysander and Demetrious praising her and Hermia playing her innocent drivers her insane. Its very hard to imagine how much frustration one will feel when the person who the one loves, along with his/her own friends, is making fun of him/her. Hermia is facing all these trouble in order to get her love of life Demetrious clearly suggest that her love life is very difficult.Show MoreRelatedMidsummer Nights Dream1886 Words   |  8 Pagesleads the troupe and plays Prologue Nick Bottom – weaver, plays Pyramus Francis Flute – bellows-mender, plays Thisbe Robin Starveling – tailor, plays Moonshine Tom Snout – tinker, plays Wall Snug – joiner, plays Lion Play Summary A Midsummer Nights Dream opens with Theseus and Hippolyta planning their wedding, which takes place in four days. Theseus is upset because time is moving so slowly, but Hippolyta assures him the four days will quickly pass. 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